Strategic Alliances for Universities and their Boards
Welcome to the 2011 CUBA Conference
It’s a delight and a privilege to welcome you Saskatoon for our 25th—and our FIRST—annual conference. It’s been 25 years since the National Association of University Board Chairs and Secretaries (NAUBCS) was founded and had its first meeting and conference. This year, however, is the first time we meet under our new name, the Canadian University Boards Association, or CUBA. The change of name signals a shift in emphasis and a broadening of focus, from membership (board chairs and secretaries) to content (board governance at universities).
This annual conference is one that brings tangible value. Tailored to the specific needs of university boards, it provides the best networking and learning opportunity available for board chairs of Canadian universities. The CUBA organization exists to help board chairs and professionals to fulfill their educational responsibilities, by cultivating well-informed boards that are grounded in both the principles of effective governance and the issues, challenges and opportunities facing universities everywhere.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Strategic Alliances for Universities and their Boards.” We’ve put together a program that explores strategic alliances with a broad range of partners, and we’ve invited speakers who can inform and enlighten us about issues that are of pressing and current interest to governing boards. We’ve also built in some opportunities for less structured discussions and for networking and exchanging ideas and experience.
Welcome, CUBA, to Saskatoon—we hope you enjoy the conference!
CUBA/ACCAU 2011 Organizing Committee