2011 Saskatoon
Plenary Speaker
Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
Strategic Alliances with Aboriginal People
Plenary Speaker
Higher Education Strategy Associates
The challenge of financing post-secondary education in the age of globalization: Public funding, demographics, and internationalization
Plenary Speaker
The Accountability Group
Plenary Speaker
President and CEO
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
The changing landscape in Canadian universities: Recent trends and new directions
Plenary Speaker
Senior Vice President
AON Hewitt
Plenary Speaker
Professor, School of Public Health, and former provincial Minister of Finance
Prairie Presidents Panel
President and Vice-chancellor
University of Manitoba
Prairie Presidents Panel
President and Vice-chancellor
University of Calgary
Prairie Presidents Panel
President and Vice-chancellor
University of Saskatchewan
PD Day Keynote Speaker
Vice President, Finance
Ryerson University
Reflections of a Former University Secretary