2013 Calgary
Keynote Speaker and Concurrent Session Speaker
Keynote: "The Force of the Future: Post-Secondary Education in Tomorrow's World"
Concurrent Session: "Scenario Planning and Risk Management"
Concurrent Session: "Scenario Planning and Risk Management"
Plenary Speaker
Role of the Board in Today's Governance Environment
Plenary Speaker
Vice-chair, Board of Governors
University of Calgary
Role of the Board in Today's Governance Environment
Panel member
Board Chair
University of Ottawa
Panel: "The Future of Canadian Universities"
Plenary Speaker
Professor, School of Public Policy and Governance
University of Toronto
The Future of Canadian Universities: Do our Universities need to be rethought?
Plenary Speaker
Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation
The Future of Canadian Universities: Do our universities need to be re-thought?
Panel member
Mount Royal University
Panel: "The Future of Canadian Universities"
Panel member
Board Chair
Royal Roads University
Panel: "The Future of Canadian Universities"
Panel member
Board Chair
Mount Saint Vincent University
Panel: "The Future of Canadian Universities"
Board Professional Staff Development Speaker
Author and management consultant
The GPS to Navigating Governance Roles & Relationships