‘A World of Opportunities’
The world is ever changing, presenting many opportunities. Join us to explore how Universities can adapt to this new world of work, and the evolving roles and expectations. Examples include: Workforce trends which are driving changing expectations of employers on Universities to prepare students; Millennial attitudes that challenge conventional thinking; Exponential technology change and the effect on education and future careers; Political, social and economic changes requiring increased agility and flexibility; Elimination of or alternatives to the traditional career pathways; Evolving leadership roles; and, Increasing globalization
The 2019 CUBA CONFERENCE PROGRAM will address these pivotal issues affecting Canadian universities.
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Hear from Ali Velshi MSNBC Anchor and Business Correspondent for NBC and MSNBC News.
Welcome Reception - Held on Thursday evening, the reception will take place at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC) to welcome conference delegates and guests. A great opportunity to connect/reconnect with delegates and kick-off the conference. There will be docent-led tours of the AEAC’s superb collections including The Bader Collection which centres on more than 200 paintings from the Dutch Golden Age, including one portrait and two beautiful character studies by Rembrandt.
Following the reception, delegates are invited to enjoy dinner with friends and colleagues in one of many restaurants in beautiful downtown Kingston. Please keep in mind that Thursdays can be popular dinner night in Kingston, so we encourage you to make a reservation in advance at a restaurant of your choice.
Gala: The Gala will take place the evening of Friday May 3rd at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. The evening will showcase a variety of Kingston/Queen’s performers, followed by a Dînatoire in the Atrium overlooking Lake Ontario and featuring some culinary treats by Sodexo. Delegates are welcome to register their partner to attend. And, you’ll have the opportunity to have a professional headshot with Prestige Portraits (first come, first served). Sponsored by: Sodexo